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Jun 27 2019
Tangible Map: Designing and Assessing Spatial Information Retrieval Through a Tactile Interface.
Leon K., Walker W., Lim Y., Penman S., Colombo S., Casalegno F. (2019), Tangible Map: Designing and Assessing Spatial Information Retrieval Through a Tactile Interface. In: Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Design Practice in Contemporary Societies. HCII 2019.
Designing for Ambient UX: Case Study of a Dynamic Lighting System for a Work Space, Proceedings from ISS '18, ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces
Jun 26 2018
Augmented Health and Safety: Exploring Future Scenarios through Design Fiction
Prof. Federico Casalegno shares thoughts on design and innovation with Fabernovel Institute
Safety++. Designing IoT and Wearable Systems for Industrial Safety through a User Centered Design Approach, Proceedings from PETRA '17, PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments
Exploring Spatial Meaning with a Tangible Map, Proceedings from PerDis '17, ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays
Yihyun Lim shares thoughts on millennials values and expectations with
EMG-based biofeedback tool for augmenting manual fabrication and improved exchange of empirical, Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction